samedi 11 juin 2011

La sensualité des arbres

Oliver Nieder

La sensualité s'invite,
et sa flamme illumine,
la douceur et la force,
la tendresse sous l'écorce,
le frémissement subtile
de ce corps qui s’étire..

En savoir plus sur Oliver Nieder:

2 commentaires:

  1. hi there,
    thank you for writing about my work. i really like your blog.
    all the best & cheers,

  2. Thank you so much Oliver. I really love your work, I find it poetic and powerful,and I hope you won't mind if I continue to post some of your photos in here... It's beautiful and it has to be shared ;-)
    Thanks again for your comment and all the best to you too.
    Enjoy all,
